Lawn mowers and sarments for front tractors brand Zanon mod. Ryder 1600

Max. working width 160 cm., power 15-45 hp, weight 250 kg. Incoming revolutions 2000 rpm, n. chopper knives 100, n. chopper clubs 50, knives 50, number and models belts 3 (bx 38), cardan 20, machine displacement 90, 90 cm, machine size 180x110x50.

Lawn mowers and sarments for front tractors brand Zanon mod. Ryder 1600 for kubota. Standard accessories: clubs or knives, CE-compliant safety protection, height-adjustable rear roller, electronically balanced rotor, adjustable belt tensioner, gear box with freewheel, front wheels and cardan. On request: straight knives for "aerggiatore" version.

Specific References